How to Track Your Successes Using Google Analytics [Infographic]

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free tool that tracks engagement on your website. This includes how people are finding you, where they are finding you, and how they are viewing your website; just to name a few. This data can help you monitor your successes and areas that need improvement. This ensures that you are constantly improving your marketing tactics and converting website visitors into

Here is how to track your successes using Google Analytics.


Each page a user clicks through to is considered a Pageview. Pageviews allow you to understand how many of your web pages are being viewed on a given day.


A session is a group of interactions one user takes within a given time frame. Sessions help you gage how relevant your content is in reference to what your user is searching for.

Bounce Rate

The bounce rate signifies the percentage of visitors who exit your website after viewing only one page. The higher the bounce rate the more people are not finding the information they are looking for. If you notice the bounce rate is high on certain pages, try reworking the content by focusing on your target keywords.


If you are curious about how your visitors are finding your website, the acquisition tab can provide insights. This will let you know who is finding you via organic search, social media or referral. If you want to improve your organic search, work your content around keywords that potential clients are searching for.


Google Analytics allows you to see where your traffic is coming from. This can be broken down by country, province/state or city. If your services are targeted towards a specific geographic location, consider doing keyword research to see what is being Googled in your targeted area and tailor your content around these keywords.


Google Analytics allows you to see if your visitors are using mobile, tablet or a computer to view your website. If you notice that the majority of your traffic is coming from mobile devices, it’s important to ensure your website is mobile-friendly to make browsing your website easier.

If you are looking for ways to improve your website we have you covered! Download our white paper, Introduction to Website Best Practices.

How to Track Your Successes Using Google Analytics

* Click on the image above to download the infographic.

How to Track Your Successes Using Google Analytics [Infographic]