Top Follow-Up B2B Sales Tactics

sales tacticsThere’s been a lot of debate recently over whether email is dead, but I firmly believe it is here to stay.

From my experience with B2B sales, I find that an email is often the best first step in reaching your target and working towards landing a sale. I’ve found that the power of an intro email can be magnified even further by carrying out a series of tasks after the initial email has been sent.

This blog will share with you some of the top B2B sales tactics for following-up with your prospects following your initial sales email.

1. A forwarded follow-up email

This can be your secret weapon to ensure your email gets read and boost the chance of a response. By forwarding the original email with a new, brief follow up message you create another chance for your message to be read and help reaffirm that you’re initial message wasn’t spam.

2. A call a week after the initial email

A follow-up call provides an alternative forum for contact that offers immediate feedback. When calling the contact you can reference in your introduction that you tried to reach them previously by email, and then ask if they have a moment to speak. When the contact knows that you have tried to reach them through email, but perhaps have missed your message or have been too busy to respond, they are more likely to listen to your message. If you find cold calling a challenge, try these top 10 cold calling tips.

3. Ask for their schedule

If you have taken the time the time to make a call but have learned that your contact is unavailable, be sure to ask the gatekeeper for your contact’s schedule. They may be able to provide you with a better time to call, helping to save you time and energy when trying to reach your contact again in the future.

4. Stay persistent and use messages sparingly

Your targeted contacts are likely very busy. Don’t be discouraged if you cannot reach them the first few tries. If you remain unable to reach your prospect you can choose to leave a message, allowing the contact to get back to you when it is most convenient for them. However, it’s important to remember to use messages sparingly, be polite and be professional so you’re aren’t seen as a pest.

5. Send an email after the message has been left

Combining a call with an email increases the odds that your contact will see you’ve tried to reach them. People like to receive information in a variety of ways and their preference is often influenced by their industry. Using both email and phone calls allows your contact to choose their preferred medium to reach to you, helping to increase the odds of a response.

Following up after the initial email provides more chances for you to reach your contact and builds a stronger cold calling plan.  The sales tactics used above help me on a daily basis to earn more meetings and advance the B2B sales process. If you found this blog helpful and want to be kept up to date on interesting sales and marketing information, be sure to subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

Top Follow-Up B2B Sales Tactics