improve your lead conversions

How to Improve Your Lead Conversions With the Right Messaging

One of the hardest things to do is to generate leads and as we all know it is getting harder and harder to be seen and heard via email and social media channels. When prospecting for new leads for our customers, we still believe a solid balance of outbound emailing, calling and social media is a requirement for success. The key is refining your messaging to a point where it stands above the noise and is compelling enough to not only open but to also respond to.

I have outlined a number of tips below to consider when building your email and call value proposition to improve your lead generation efforts.

Subject Line

For one client we have in the leasing and financing sector, we tried two different versions. A long version – that was 12 words long and then a short version that was three words long. Interestingly enough, the short version that included no descriptors – just a generic description derived the best results by over 100%. For every 60 emails with the long version, we would get 2 responses. For every 60 emails with the short version, we get 4 to 6 responses.

For the body of email or call script it is important to include a number of key items, these include:

Introduce Who You Are

In a sentence or two, outline who you are, how you found your prospect and what your company does.

Get to the Point of Why You Are Emailing

Be sure to include a question or at least a comment related to the business pain you believe they may have.

Solving a Business Pain

Outline how you can help to solve their business pain. Perhaps provide a quick outline of the solution and the benefits and features the tool provides.

Quantitative Figures

Numbers help sell the story. If your solution helps to reduce expenses or drive revenues mention by how much. Don’t be shy.

Include Client Account Names

By listing other customers it gives your prospect some confidence that other firms have found value in your solution.

Ask for a Response

The old adage, you don’t know until you ask applies, even here. Ask for something. Ask a question and hope for an answer related to their needs. Ask for a call, email or meeting back. Ask for a referral to another organizational contact.

Your Autosignature

We often recommend you include your name, title, company, email, phone, company website, LinkedIn account and address. Including your LinkedIn address is important – it gives prospects another way to learn more about you and the company you work for.

Here is a sample email for you to review:

Hi [insert name],
I came across your name while doing some research on [insert company name]. The firm I work for, [insert your company name], provides [insert a description of what you do]. Over the last [insert years of operation] years, we have built one of the largest widget networks in the country. Are you in need of a network that can reduce your costs by [insert price]?

Our network consists of:

  • 2,000 services locations with over 6,000 technicians
  • 400 customer education centres
  • 1,000 independent resellers

Benefits of utilizing (your company name) for your maintenance needs include:

  • Benefit 1
  • Benefit 2
  • Benefit 3

Clients enjoying success using the [insert your company name] network include [insert client 1], [insert client 2] and insert client 3], to name a few.

If you are looking for an opportunity to [insert goal] then we would welcome the chance to speak to you. Do you or does a member of your team have time for a call September 30th?

[Insert your first and last name]
[Insert your company name]
[Insert your email address]
[Insert your telephone number]

[Insert company address]
[Insert website URL]

If you are in need of assistance from a sales and marketing perspective feel free to contact me. I would be happy to see if we can help. Alternatively, if you are simply looking for a source of excellent sales and marketing information, please feel free to sign up for our newsletter or follow us on Twitter.

How to Improve Your Lead Conversions With the Right Messaging