4 Key Follow-Ups From Your B2B Networking Event

Networking-Event-ConnectBusiness events are often fantastic networking opportunities that can dramatically help you build connections and grow your business. But what you should you do after the event to turn these brief encounters into lasting connections? It’s an important question to consider. After all, connections can be leveraged to get meetings, earn introductions, and ultimately help earn new business.

Here are my top 4 follow-ups for after business events that can help you grow your business network.

1. Research Prospects in Greater Detail

It’s always great to learn about your prospect while you have the opportunity to speak with them, but networking conversations tend to be brief. Take the time to learn more about potential prospects through additional research after the networking event. Understanding your prospect better allows you to assess potential fit and develop a stronger sales message.

2. Connect on LinkedIn

Don’t let your connection end after the networking event. Look up your contact on LinkedIn and invite them to join your professional network. For a touch of courtesy, while at the event, be sure to ask if you may connect with the contacts on LinkedIn.

The use of a brief custom message with your invite can also be very helpful. You may wish to mention the event that you attended and a main highlight of your conversation to remind them of who you are. If you are new to the world of LinkedIn and need help building your network be sure to read 5 Tips for Marking Great LinkedIn Connections.

3. Follow on Twitter

If your contact has a Twitter account, I strongly recommend following them.

Twitter allows you to stay up to date with your contacts through the information they choose to share, and provides you with a forum to comment or share related information in response to their tweets. As a tip, if you prospect does not include their Twitter handle on their business card, you may be able to find it on their LinkedIn page. To build additional twitter connections be sure to read our past blog post, Use Social Media Etiquette to make Valuable Twitter Connections.

4. Deliver on Promises 

While at the networking event you may have told your prospect that you would send them some additional information, or an e-mail to with your availability for a potential meeting. Whatever the case may be, it is important to make good on your word and deliver. Being prompt in following through on your word is both respectful and a great way to build trust to strengthen your relationship.

Following up after your networking event is a critical component to turning an encounter into a lasting connection. Be sure to use these 4 tips to build additional relationships and earn more sales. Feel free to e-mail me if you would like to connect.

4 Key Follow-Ups From Your B2B Networking Event